Busy getting ready for this weekend's Open Studio Event. Dec. 5 & 6, 10-6, 10-5pm at the studio. Send me an email, linda.ruelflynn@gmail and I will send you directions.
New work to share....I am loving the colored background of these new pieces.
This is the latest in the New England Birch series. Three feet wide by one foot tall. I am using large pieces of hand-dyed fabrics from Margaret Stancer of Pelham. I love her fabric. I don't know how she does what she does but I am so happy she does it. The placement of the blue in the midst of the green is the perfect suggestion of water running through the stand of trees. A pleasure to work with such yumminess. That is a fiber technical term....yumminess. Enjoy! -click on the image above to see a larger version-
When I was teaching I would tell my students - cherubic first and second graders - to look at their world. Not just glance around, but to really look. Looking takes time. Time well spent. I have been taking the time to look. To really see what is around me. More importantly, I am taking the time to stop, see and absorb what I am experiencing. This picture was taken Friday morning about 8:20am in S. Hadley along the Connecticut River. The fog wafting from the water pulled me to the river bank. It was magic. I watched for about 15 minutes as it twirled and swirled over the water. A piece of me went over the river. I will savor this quite a long time. Who knows where it will pop up in my work in the future.
The Chirps- Sweet little bird quilts with hand-dyed fabric, hand-dyed embroidery cotton and a whole lot of fun. Having a great time divining the personalities of these little darlings.