Monday, October 4, 2010

Wow! What A Great Garlic Fest!!

the booth, which was dubbed - The Party Booth!

The North Quabbin Garlic & Arts Festival was this past weekend. This festival is eleven years old, completely volunteer driven and continually entertains its visitors. I spoke with people from Westchester, NY, Long Island, NY, Boston, VT and Pennsylvania. It is always a chance to see old friends from around the Quabbin, former classmates and on and on.....We weren't dubbed the Party Booth for nuthin'.

I have to say, every time I am in an exhibition, do a show, participate in a festival I get really, really, really nervous. But when the work is on the walls and the people start to come I turn it into a little party and we all have a great time. Who couldn't have a great time at this year's Garlic Fest? After a few days of rain we were all ready for the sunny weekend, good food, good music and great artwork from around the North Quabbin.

Response to the birch pieces I have been working on for the past year were overwhelmingly positive. The compliments are appreciated. Thanks to those who took pieces home. I am excited by the commission conversations and ready to get to work. Because Art=Work.

time to clean up and get back to work.